Monday, November 28, 2011

Wilderness Wanderings

    Several months ago, I began reading the Old Testament.  It's kind of like vegetables- they may not be your favorite, but they're still good for you.  This morning I read (for the zillionth time!) about how Israel- after being rescued from slavery in Egypt by God's mighty hand and outstretched arm, by many wonders and miracles, after being fed miraculously by food God Himself provided each day, after many instances of audibly hearing His voice- Israel once again complained!  They tried to overthrow Moses, Israel's God-chosen leader.  "Why did you bring us out of Egypt?  So we could die in the desert?!"  How negative!  They had SEEN God's mighty power!  They had HEARD God's booming voice!  They had TASTED the food God provided!  Hello?
    I rolled my eyes as I read seemingly the same story once again.  How could these people ever doubt God, after they had seen and experienced SO MUCH?  I suppose they were just tired of being in the wilderness.  Sure, God had promised to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, and yeah, they had seen many things to cause them to trust, but they just wanted to BE THERE.  Are we there yet?  No, still not there yet.  Well are we there YET?  Nope, not there yet.  Will we ever get there?  Ever?
    Waiting is so difficult sometimes.  This is when I realized I am wandering around in the wilderness, wondering if I'll EVER get "there," complaining to God for the zillionth time after I have EXPERIENCED His love and power in my life, after SEEING miracles and wonders, after WATCHING His amazing plan unfold, after being taken care of ALWAYS by my Lord, I dare to complain.  Wow.
    Lord, You amaze me with Your patience.  You are always so good to me.  You have given me a job which pays well, in which I am moving up, not even of my own accord!  You have given me the most precious person in the world as my husband.  The man who loves You above all else, who works hard and trusts You, who takes care of me and loves me always.  You have given us a wonderful house and the ability to use our house to help others.  Lord, maybe we're not stepping into our destiny yet, but I know we are here for a reason.  I know if we choose to stay where You want us now, it will prepare us for our destiny when the time comes.  Help me to always, ALWAYS trust You.

I'm waiting, I'm waiting on You Lord and I am hopeful.
I'm waiting on You Lord, though it is painful,
But patiently I will wait.
I will move ahead, bold and confident,
Taking every step in obedience.
While I'm waiting,
I will serve You while I'm waiting,
I will worship while I'm waiting,
I will not faint, I'll be running the race,
Even while I wait.
~"While I'm Waiting" John Waller

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