Sunday, December 30, 2012

Who told you that you were naked?

Every time I try to read the Bible, I end up in the first few chapters in Genesis, particularly where Adam and Eve sin and hide from God.  I think it is so profound and so relevant to us even today.  “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.  And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’”  (Gen 1:26)  How amazing to be made in the image of God!  We were created different than every living creature on earth in that we were made like the Lord!  “But the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die.  For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.’”  (Gen 3:4-5)  Adam and Eve were already like God, knowinggood.  But Satan always tries to trick us and make us think we need more than the Lord has given us.  They sinned and hid from God because they were naked.  “God said, ‘Who told you that you were naked?’”  (Gen 3:11)  Who told you that you weren’t good enough?  Who told you that you were weak?  Who told you that you have no beauty to offer the world?  Who told you that you would never amount to anything?  Who told you that you can’t?  I used to think it was silly when God asked that question.  Who told you that you only had 6 months?  Who told you that you needed the next biggest thing?  Who told you that you’d never get out of debt?  Who told you that your baby wouldn’t make it?  Who told you that your dream is too big?  Who told you that it’s a stupid idea?  Who told you that you’re all alone?  Who told you it’s not worth it?  Who told you that you’re worthless unless you achieve the American Dream?  Who told you the cancer would take your life?
WHO TOLD YOU THAT??  Who are you listening to?  You are made in the image of God!  You have the righteousness and power of Jesus Christ!  You are not naked!  You are not an orphan!  You are dearly loved and wanted!  You have BIG dreams that God gave you so that you CAN accomplish them!  Satan is a liar!  Take what he says and the opposite is true, hallelujah!

Kind and Gentle

Less than two weeks after Aaron and I moved to Salt Lake, God gave me a job.  It is not the job I would have chosen by any stretch of the imagination, but I knew it was God.  I went into it, happy to be so sure of His will, and intending to work at this job with my whole heart.  Then, a few days ago, I had a huge realization: this is exactly what I was doing in Phoenix, except with no benefits and for about half the pay.  It is a big-wig company being managed in a completely obnoxious and ridiculous manner.  And it is a job that doesn’t fit my personality.  I was completely motivated to find a better job, frankly because I was pissed off.  Not at God.  Just at the way big businesses are run and because even when I try to tell employers what kind of work I like to do, they come at me with this attitude of, “No, you’re young and pretty and excellent with customers, so you’re going in customer service.”  And for a while, I believed employers when they told me that, and worked so hard on my weakness that everyone now thinks it’s my strength.
I came home that night, went to bed, and prayed and cried.  I told God, “I don’t know if You still want me there, but I’m not going to do it anymore.  I’m really sorry, I love You and I don’t want to disobey You, but I can’t do this.”  I wasn’t defiant, I didn’t want to be; I wasn’t mad at God, I just had to be real with Him.  I wasn’t going to stay in a job where I was miserable, a job that barely paid enough for us to get by.  I didn’t want a job in retail, I didn’t see any way this job would help me accomplish my dreams or do us good in any way.  I didn’t see any point in staying in a job that is so unfitting with the way God made me.  There are so many other jobs I would be so much happier in, where I could make so much more money, and maybe even *gasp* make a career!  Why can’t I just have one of those jobs?
The next day I went to work half-heartedly with the attitude of, “Just wait, I’ll be putting in my notice soon…” when suddenly the front end supervisor starts talking about promoting me.  Nothing official, but she and the assistant store manager had been talking about who would replace another front end supervisor when she goes on maternity leave.  They both thought I was the person for the job.  I thought, Really God?  Really??  Now I HAVE to stick around to see what happens.  If I’m a supervisor I’ll be full time, and it had better come with a raise…  I was still half-hearted, I decided to keep one foot in and one foot out.  Well then at church tonight, Pastor Jason was talking about surrender and I fell apart!  I HAVE to stay at Ross, and it IS worth it, if only because God wants me there.  He has a purpose, He is already in the future seeing how it will all play out.  He knows my dreams because He gave them to me and who better than Him to walk me step by step til I get there?  I don’t have to understand, because He does.  I just have to surrender.
Looking back, I’m amazed that, even though I told God “no” He was still so kind and gentle with me.  He wasn’t angry, He wasn’t offended.  He didn’t punish me.  I was honest with Him, that I really didn’t think I could do what He had asked of me, and so, He very lovingly gave me what I needed to do what He asked.  It is worth it because it is ordained by God.  One day, I know I’ll look back and be SO thankful that I stuck it out, and whole-heartedly did what He asked.  Thank You God for Your gentleness and love, for motivation, and for always equipping me with whatever I need to do Your will.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Apartment and a Job

Before Aaron and I left for Salt Lake, I had been talking to the Lord about jobs, asking Him what job He wanted me to have.  He told me, “I have a job for you, I will give you a job.”  He implied I wouldn’t have to bust my butt, hit the ground running, that He would just give me a job.  This is hard for me.  I don’t like sitting around waiting for something to be handed to me. I am a lot like my dad, a hard worker, and I do think working hard honors God.  But sometimes God tells you to just wait.
Well we arrived in Salt Lake, and I felt I had to do something, so I went applying for some jobs I felt good about, kinda half-heartedly.  I was determined to stay away from retail, so I applied at a lot of banks, and for some nannying jobs.  I haven’t heard a word back from any of them.
Late last week, Aaron and I went out one evening.  We looked at an apartment and fell in love, drove by Ross and saw they were hiring on the way to Chick-fil-a.  I considered applying for Ross, I knew it would be an easy job for me to get, but it’s retail.  I stayed on the fence about it.
By the end of this weekend, Aaron and I both came to the conclusion that we could NOT stop thinking about the apartment we saw, and decided to just go and fill out an application to live there.  We were going to do this in faith, believing God would get me a job when I need one.  Yesterday morning I got up and started getting ready to go down to the apartment complex,  when I received a text from Aaron’s Dad.  “This is going to be a supernatural year!  Has Andrea considered working for Ross?”  He had NO idea I had been on the fence about this!  That was all the sign I needed!
I went and applied to live at the apartment and was approved!  We set our move-in date for Thursday December 13th.  Then I went and filled out an online application for Ross.  In the evening I went down to introduce myself to the Assistant Store Manager in charge of hiring.  She interviewed me right there, and as soon as my background check comes back, I start an orientation!
Later that evening, I was asking God, “Really?  Retail again?”  He said, “Yes, really.”  I told Him, “I don’t want to do retail, but Lord I’ll do it for You.  And believe me, You’re the ONLY one I’ll do it for!”  But you know, people at Ross need Jesus too!  There’s a lot of people who work at Ross and a lot of people who shop at Ross.  And isn’t that why we came here anyway?  For people?  Lord, I am most happiest when I know that I know that I know I’m where You want me, so retail or not I am so thankful to be in Your plan.  I intend to work at this job with my whole heart, with a smile on my face and a smile in my soul.  Please open my mouth to tell people about the God who loves them with an everlasting love, and about the church who will love them as You do.